ActionDispatch::Static => provide static file on public
Rack::Lock => lock the app down to a single thread
ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware => cache method based on ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore
easy to use by or Rails.cache.write
Rack::Runtime => sets an X-Runtime response header to show spending time
Rack::MethodOverride => if set params[:_method], could reset http method, ex put, delete on form
ActionDispatch::RequestId => set unique request id
Rails::Rack::Logger => log when request start, and request end
ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions & ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions => rescue error, and custom format
ActionDispatch::RemoteIp => detect ip attack
ActionDispatch::Reloader => reload classes in development mode
ActionDispatch::Callbacks => We can call before or after methods on this and pass in a block which will then be triggered on each request.
ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement => clear db connections
ActiveRecord::QueryCache => active record query cache
ActionDispatch::Cookies, Session::CookieStore and Flash => set cookie, sessions
ActionDispatch::ParamsParser => prepare params
ActionDispatch::Head => transfer head request to get
Rack::ConditionalGet and Rack::ETag => set ETag header based on the response body, conditional => if not changed, not process => only send 304
ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport => add recommend browser to client